rootexhibitionsgeneral description
  installation photographs

Photographs of feminine forms emerging from a field of generative poetry.

The recursive region fill algorithm fills a region of space with ever decreasing type. Words are taken from lines of poetry or collections of self-similar word sets.

Words written by Mary Thomas, "Am I asking too much?


untitled no. 1

untitled no. 2

untitled no. 3

untitled no. 4

untitled no. 5

untitled no. 6

untitled no. 7

untitled no. 8

untitled no. 9

untitled no. 10

untitled no. 11

Human Forms:
Jayne McCoy
Lola Brine
Yvette Montalvo
Mary Thomas
Poetry generated using the
Recursive Region Fill algorithm and
Poetry by Mary Thomas,
"Am I Asking Too Much?"
November 26, 2002
Austin, TX